Wicked Wednesday: Masala Chai Affogato

Today for Wicked Wednesday we have created a Masala Chai Affogato with our new Cardamom Honey ice cream! What this Affogato lacks in wickedness it makes up for in sophistication and can be a delicious addition to your Mother’s Day plans.
Masala Chai translates from Hindi to "mixed-spice tea". Originating in India it is made by steeping black tea with many spices including cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and many other tasty ingredients that vary depending on where you are and who is preparing your tea!
What you’ll need
When it comes to what tea to use you can spice your own black tea and make a Masala Chai from scratch or buy Masala Chai to steep. Sonya’s Chai is a great option for buying Chai teas locally!
- 2 scoops of our Cardamom Honey ice cream
- 1 cup of Sonya’s Chai Masala Chai tea
- A few cardamom pods to grind for garnish
- Honey to drizzle, we’ve used honey from local Nith Valley Apiaries both in our ice cream as well as to drizzle on our Affogato
What to Do:
- Steep a cup Masala Chai tea
- If you would like to garnish with cardamom grind a few pods using a pestle and mortar or coffee grinder
- Scoop 2 medium scoops of our Cardamom Honey ice cream into a cup or mug
- Pour tea over ice cream and sprinkle with cardamom
- Drizzle with honey and enjoy!