Pie and Ice Cream Pairings

Pie and Ice Cream or Ice Cream and Pie ...
... it's all pie a la mode. Β Pie a la mode, said to have been invented in the mid 1880s, is pie with a scoop of ice cream on top.Β An example of a traditional pairing would be apple pie with vanilla ice cream - an enduring classic.Β But why not think outside the pie box and top your nextΒ homemade pie with delicious, all-natural, hand-crafted, locally sourced ice cream in the following amazing combinations:
- Apple Pie and Chewy Salted Caramel Ice Cream
- Pumpkin Pie and Maple Walnut Ice Cream
- Peanut Butter Pie with Grape Sorbet
- Coconut Cream Pie with Raspberry Sorbet
- Chocolate Pecan Pie with Maple Bacon Brittle Ice Cream
- Peach Pie with Ginger Ice Cream
- Pecan Pie with Whiskey Caramel Pecan Ice Cream
- Chocolate Cream Pie with Mint Chip Ice Cream
When it's all natural, locally-sourced ice creamy goodness the possibilities are endless.