Try This At Home: Ice Cream Peach Poppers

Try This At Home: Ice Cream Peach Poppers

This Tuesday we have the ultimate August ice cream snack! These Ice Cream Peach Poppers have the summery sweetness of dessert with the cuteness of the perfect appetizer. 

What you'll need for 8 Peach Poppers:

  • 4 small Ontario peaches halved and pitted
  • a cube of our creamy Peach Dream Ice Cream 
  • a sprinkle of brown sugar
  • a dash of cinnamon 

What to do: 

  1. halve and pit your peaches 
  2. preheat the oven to 400 degrees 
  3. place peach halves on parchment paper on a baking sheet 
  4. sprinkle halves with a pinch of cinnamon and sugar 
  5. bake for about 15 minutes until peaches are soft 
  6. remove from baking sheet and allow to cool for 5 minutes 
  7. place a small scoop of Peach Dream on each half, feel free to add an oatmeal crumble or a dollop of whipped cream if you're feeling fancy
  8. enjoy the lovely days of summer! 






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