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Wicked Wednesday: A Tipsy Cow

Wicked Wednesday: A Tipsy Cow

This Wednesday we went out of the box and created a drink that is both absolutely delicious and mildly ridiculous, we call it The Tipsy Cow.Β 

All you need is your favorite cream liqueur like Bailey's Irish Cream or Amarula, ice, our delicious Vanilla Bean ice cream and chocolate!

What to do

  • First melt your chocolate in a double boiler and drip around the interior of your glass
  • When you’re satisfied with your chocolatey garnish place glasses in the freezer for about 20 minutes
  • Next crush about 1/2 of ice per glass and set asideΒ 
  • Mix vanilla ice cream with the crushed ice - about 2 scoops of ice cream for every half a cup of crushed ice
  • Pour a shot or two of cream liqueur into the bottom of your frozen glassesΒ 
  • Pour ice cream mixture to fill up each glass.Β 

The best part about this drink is that not only is it mostly ice cream but you can flavour it however you’d like with whatever cream liquor you enjoy most!