Strawberry Matcha Milkshake
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It's a perfect "matcha"! Fresh Ontario strawberries and matcha shakes.
Try This At Home: Good Ol' Milkshakes
Milkshakes are classic! And also very easy to make with your Four All cubes.
Wicked Wednesday: Rhubarb & Lime Margarita
Summer weather is on its way and that means we need a good collection of patio drinks! We were mixing it up and decided to make a Rhubarb and Lime Margarita using our May vegan flavour Rhubarb Sorbet.
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Feature Flavour Friday: Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip
This #featureflavourfriday we're bragging about our magical May Vegan flavour: Mint Chocolate Chip. It's so minty, so chocolate chippy, and so creamy you won't believe it's dairy-free.